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I got the chance to be featured on The Futur, a video channel dedicated to online education for creatives. During this 90 min live lettering workshop I show you how to create a design from scratch while answering a ton of questions on how to make a living from letters.

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Chris Do, the host, is an amazing designer with tons of knowledge to share. If you think I'm a making machine, just look at this guys website and channel, it's an overwhelming amount of awesome content.

Plus he has the highest production for a live stream I HAVE EVER SEEN. There is even a musician there the whole time playing electric guitar on the fly to match the tone of the conversation. WHHHAT?!

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During my 90 min interview I walk you through my process creating a new hand lettering piece from scratch for The Futur, "The futur is so bright we need shades". Typically I stay away from showing the initial brain storm process live because it's so hard to talk and work at the same time. Plus only 90 mins to complete a whole 7 word piece is not easy. So needless to say I was nervous.

Luckily, I was albe to get the project 90% done on stream while showing you how I build up my projects from thumbnails, to skeleton, to final rough draft. Not to mention answering a ton of questions on the business of lettering and how I managed to make 100k my first year freelancing.

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The video above get's a little out of sync with the audio, but hey that's a live stream for ya. Even the most infamous Youtubers still have technical difficulties every once in a while. But I definitely encourage you draw along with the video and enjoy the awesome production team over at The Futur.